Friday, February 20, 2009

How much Vitamin C is in my orange juice?

Introduction to Vitamin C

Vitamin C is the L-enantiomer of ascorbic acid. Our body cannot synthesize and store vitamin C. Therefore it is essential to obtain it from the food we are consuming daily. Ascorbic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts possess antioxidant properties. They can prevent reactive oxygen species (ROS, for example hydrogen peroxide) from damaging our body cells by taking up their reactive electrons.
Drinks, fruit and vegetable juices are natural sources of vitamin C. The content of vitamin C of vegetables, juices and other food can be determined by titration, ion chromatography or polarography.

Voltammetric analysis of vitamin C

The analysis by polarography is very selective as other reducing or oxidizing substances do not interfere. By using a 797 VA Computrace various polarographic and voltammetric methods are at hand and moreover you are given all the necessary electrodes for performing hundreds of applications.

In the case of the vitamin C determination in orange juice no sample preparation steps are necessary.

The analysis is done by differential pulse polarography (DPP) at a dropping mercury electrode (DME). Just choose the method in the built-in database of your 797 VA Computrace. With a single mouse click all settings are done and you can start measuring.

Product information

MVA-2 system intended for partly automated routine analysis and consisting of the 797 VA Computrace and two 800 Dosinos. MVA-2


MVA-3 system for fully automated analysis of small series of samples consisting of the 797 VA Computrace, a 813 Compact Autosampler, two 800 Dosinos, a 731 Relay Box and two 772 Pump Units MVA-3

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  • Up to 18 samples are easily processed fully automatically by the MVA-3 system.
  • Validation: For the Validation of Metrohm VA instruments using Standard Operating Procedures see our Application Bulletin 276 (Info Center).
  • If you already have a titration system (Titrino or Titrando), then you can determine the vitamin C content according to the methods described in our Food PAC.

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