Friday, February 20, 2009
Economical determination of trace amounts of water – with the new 831 KF Coulometer
756 KF Coulometer
lished line of Karl Fischer instruments for the determination of low-level water contents. Despite its compactconstruction this instrument leaves no wishes unfulfilled. It comes equipped with a built-in printer and two RS 232C interfaces which allow communication with a balance, external printer and/or computer. This latest addition to the Karl Fischer range guarantees accurate
and reproducible results even for water contents in the lower micro range. The dialogue languages English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish and with curve showing the
Italian are standard, as is the backlit screen with its titrated water as m(H2O) in microgrammes vs. the time in seconds graphics capabilities. The screen not only provides a
clear presentation of the parameters, but also shows graphically the course of the KF determination as μg water versus time. This facilitates the assessment of the determination and is a great help in method develop ment and validation. Depending on the amount of data that are to appear on the instrument display, large or small fonts can be selected. A user list can be entered; the name selected from this list appears in the result report, which can be freely
configured by simply selecting the lines containing the desired information. Using the optional Remote Box you can connect a barcode scanner and a PC keyboard to the 756 KF Coulometer.
PDF] 756 KF Coulometer
Salt shake-up.(PLANT & EQUIPMENT)
Publication: Food Trade Review
Publication Date: 01-SEP-05Full-Text Online Journals Research online. Academic journals & books at Questia Online Library. Water Quality Meters Testers and meters for Laboratories for all your needs Water in Solvents From PPM to % analysis of water in organic solvents with a solid state Labcaire Systems Ltd Wide range of fume cupboards to suit most laboratory requirements
Elimination process of fluorinated anionic surfactants
KF Coulometer
831 KF Coulometer
How much Vitamin C is in my orange juice?
Introduction to Vitamin CVitamin C is the L-enantiomer of ascorbic acid. Our body cannot synthesize and store vitamin C. Therefore it is essential to obtain it from the food we are consuming daily. Ascorbic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts possess antioxidant properties. They can prevent reactive oxygen species (ROS, for example hydrogen peroxide) from damaging our body cells by taking up their reactive electrons. | ||||||
Voltammetric analysis of vitamin CThe analysis by polarography is very selective as other reducing or oxidizing substances do not interfere. By using a 797 VA Computrace various polarographic and voltammetric methods are at hand and moreover you are given all the necessary electrodes for performing hundreds of applications. In the case of the vitamin C determination in orange juice no sample preparation steps are necessary. The analysis is done by differential pulse polarography (DPP) at a dropping mercury electrode (DME). Just choose the method in the built-in database of your 797 VA Computrace. With a single mouse click all settings are done and you can start measuring. | ||||||
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Bio diesel analysis and European Standard EN14214
Manufacture and use of fatty acid methyl esters (Fame), has huge implications for the environment; biodiesel is a clean burning alternative fuel, produced from domestic, renewable resources
Bio diesel contains no petroleum, but it can be blended at any level with petroleum diesel to create a bio diesel blend.
It can be used in compression-ignition (diesel) engines with little or no modifications.
Bio diesel is simple to use, biodegradable, non-toxic, and essentially free of sulphur and aromatics.
Bio diesel is made through a chemical process called transesterification whereby the glycerine is separated from the fat or vegetable oil.
The process leaves behind two products - methyl esters (the chemical name for bio diesel) and glycerine (a valuable by-product usually sold to be used in soaps and other products).
Fuel-grade bio diesel must be produced to strict industry specifications (ASTM D6751) in order to insure proper performance.
Bio diesel is the only alternative fuel to have fully completed the health effects testing requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments.
Bio diesel that meets ASTM D6751 and is legally registered with the Environmental Protection Agency is a legal motor fuel for sale and distribution.
Metrohm can offer a solution to many of the analytical requirements listed in European Standard EN14214, namely:.
Oxidative stability rancimat method.
Acid value potentiometric titration.
Iodine value potentiometric titration.
Water content Karl Fischer.
Viscosity rotational viscometers.
Oxidative Stability.
The Metrohm Rancimat 743 method for measuring the oxidative stability of fatty acid methyl esters is determined according to DIN EN 14112.
In this method the highly volatile organic acids produced by autoxidation are absorbed in water and used to indicate induction time.
With the simple to use 743 Rancimat, the determination takes place at a highly sophisticated level.
Eight measuring positions in two independent heating blocks.
Individual start on each position.
Comprehensive control by PC.
Up to four Rancimat measuring blocks per PC - and therefore up to 32 samples at up to eight different temperatures.
Integrated GLP Test.
Titrations for bio diesel.
As listed in European Standard EN14214, Bio diesel manufacturers are required to determine acid value and iodine number by titration.
Using Metrohm autotitrators these methods have been perfected over the years and can be found in Metrohm Application Bulletin 141- Analysis of Edible Oils and Fats.
Iodine number.
For this analysis the following are required.
Metrohm Autotitrator, either a Titrando or a Titrino Model.
Combined Platinum Electrode e.g Pt Titrode or Pt Ring Electrodes.
The titration is a dynamic (DET U) Back titration with 0.1M Sodium Thiosulphate.
The sample is dissolve sample in Glacial Acetic Acid.
And added are 25ml of reaction solution and 10ml catalyst.
(specified in Bulletin).
Store in dark for five minutes.
Add 15ml KI solution, DI water and back-titrate to excess of iodine with 0.1M Na2S2O3.
At same time run a blank without sample.
The titrator automatically carries out the calculation g iodine/100g =(ml of thiosulphate for blank - ml thiosulphate for sample) x 1.269/ sample size (1.269=equivalent weight of iodine).
Acid Number.
You will need.
Autotitrator- Titrando or Titrino Models.
Solvotrode Non-aqueous pH electrode with LiCl sat.
in ethanol electrolyte.
0.1M KOH in isopropanol.
Solvent mixture ethanol/diethyl ether 1:1.
Weigh out 5-10 g sample, dissolve in 50ml solvent mixture.
Dynamic (DET U) Titration with KOH.
AN mgKOH/g = ml 0.1M KOH x 5.61/ sample size (5.61=equivalent weight KOH).
Karl Fischer moisture analysis.
EN14214/ EN ISO 12937 states that water determination should be by coulometric KF titration method.
Metrohm can offer a choice of two Coulometers, either the 831 or the 756 models.
In some cases the addition of a solubility promoter (chloroform or propanol) is recommended to improve solubility.
Tin cans - a possible source of contamination of canned food
Food preservationCanning food is a good method of preservation which uses no chemical preservatives and is therefore widely used. Usually cans consist of tin plate which is tin coated steel. Tin is necessary to prevent iron from being corroded by the canned food. Unfortunately tin itself can slowly transfer into the food. The amount of tin taken up by the canned food is affected by many factors. Tin may cause stomach upsets and irritates the digestive tract of sensitive people when present in high concentrations. Fortunately there are no long-term effects due to normal intakes from tin in the food even if it is present in higher levels. An organic compound can be used to line the cans. These fully lacquered cans strongly reduce the levels of tin as long as this protective layer remains undamaged. Nevertheless a new problem arises due to the bisphenol-A which is contained in the lacquer paint and has a potential to interact (endocrine disrupter) with our hormone system. | ||||||
Voltammetric analysis of tinDifferential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV) in combination with a hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) is an analysis method for determining the concentration of tin in canned food. Prior to the analysis the canned food has to be digested by means of a mixture of concentrated mineral acids. Lead, which was used with tin until lately as a solder (also for cans), can also be determined with the described method from Metrohm. There are a variety of methods described which allow a successful determination of lead even in presence of other metal ions as thallium or cadmium. A specification between Sn(II) and Sn(IV) is also possible. The anodic stripping voltammetry can be carried out on a MVA-2 system. The heart of this system is a 797 VA Computrace enriched with the unbeatable Dosino technique for liquid handling. For your convenience, the methods for the tin and lead determination are already implemented in Metrohm's 797 VA Computrace. Just press the button and start measuring. | ||||||
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Trace analysis and metal speciation with voltammetry
Voltammetry instruments are favorably priced and compact, yet great in their detection capabilities. You can analyze water, environmental samples or ultrapure chemicals!
Convincing applicationsTotal metal concentration and speciation: Apart from the determination of the total concentration, which is normally obtained with spectroscopic methods, voltammetry allows to distinguish the different oxidation stages of metal ions or differentiate between free and bound metal ions as well as to specify the biological availability of heavy metals. This makes voltammetry into an essential tool for environmental analysis. Comparable insights can only be gained by spectroscopy after complicated separation of the metal species. Its compact size means that the VA instrument can also be used in mobile laboratories. Samples with high ionic concentration are no problem for voltammetry. Organics and anions: Not only metals but also various organic compounds can be determined by voltammetry. VA techniques are used in organic chemistry and in the pharmaceutical industry. Some special anions can also be determined by voltammetry. The determination of environmentally relevant anions like cyanide, sulfide, nitrite or nitrate is particularly interesting Voltammetric trace analysis
Typical Detection Limits
The applications can be downloaded from the Info Center (registration required). Download of bulletins: English, French, German. |
Products: Instruments, Software, Electrodes> 10 good reasons why you should consider the Metrohm 797 VA Computrace instead of an AAS or ICP
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NIO electrode for the titrimetic determination of non-ionic surfactants by Metrohm AG
NIO electrode for the titrimetic determination of non-ionic surfactants by Metrohm AG
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Metrohm AG Contact InformationMetrohm AGOberdorfstr. 68 CH-9100 Herisau Phone +41 71 353 85 85 Fax +41 71 353 89 01 |
Technique for analysis of biodiesel
The manufacture and use of fatty acid methyl esters (Fame), has huge implications for the environment; biodiesel is the name of a clean burning alternative fuel, produced from renewable resources
Biodiesel contains no petroleum, but it can be blended at any level with petroleum diesel to create a biodiesel blend.
It can be used in compression-ignition (diesel) engines with little or no modifications.
Biodiesel is simple to use, biodegradable, nontoxic, and essentially free of sulphur and aromatics.
Biodiesel is made through a chemical process called transesterification whereby the glycerin is separated from the fat or vegetable oil.
The process leaves behind two products - methyl esters (the chemical name for biodiesel) and glycerin (a valuable byproduct usually sold to be used in soaps and other products).
Fuel-grade biodiesel must be produced to strict industry specifications (ASTM D6751) in order to insure proper performance.
Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel to have fully completed the health effects testing requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments.
Biodiesel that meets ASTM D6751 and is legally registered with the US Environmental Protection Agency is a legal motor fuel for sale and distribution.
Metrohm can offer a solution to many of the analytical requirements listed in Euopean Standard EN14214, namely, .
oxidative stability Rancimat method.
Acid value potentiometric titration.
Iodine value potentiometric titration.
Water content Karl Fischer.
Oxidative stability.
The Metrohm Rancimat 743 method for measuring the oxidative stability of fatty acid methyl esters is determined according to DIN EN 14112.
In this method the highly volatile organic acids produced by autoxidation are absorbed in water and used to indicate induction time.
With the simple to use 743 Rancimat, the determination takes place at a highly sophisticated level, eight measuring positions in two independent heating blocks.
Individual start on each position.
Comprehensive control by PC.
Up to four Rancimat measuring blocks per PC - and therefore up to 32 samples at up to eight different temperatures.
Integrated GLP test.
Titrations for biodiesel.
As listed in Euopean Standard EN14214, Biodiesel manaufacturers are required to determine acid value and iodine number by titration.
Using Metrohm autititrators these methods have been perfected over the years and can be found in Metrohm Application Bulletin 141- Analysis of Edible Oils and Fats.
Iodine number.
For this anlysis the following are required.
Metrohm Autotitrator, either a Titrando or a Titrino model.
Combined platinum electrode, eg Pt Titrode or Pt ring electrodes.
The titration is a dynamic (Det U) back titration with 0.1M sodium thiosulphate.
The sample is dissolve sample in glacial acetic acid.
And added are 25ml of reaction solution and 10ml catalyst.
(specified in Bulletin).
Store on dark for five minutes.
Add 15ml KI solution, DI water and back-titrate to excess of iodine with 0.1M Na2S2O3.
At same time run a blank without sample.
The titrator automatically carries out the calculation.
g iodine/100g =(ml of thiosulphate for blank - ml thiosulphate for sample) x 1.269/ sample size.
(1.269=equivalent weight of iodine).
Acid number.
You will need.
Autotitrator- Titrando or Titrino models.
Solvotrode Non-aqueous pH electrode with LiCl sat in ethanol electrolyte.
0.1M KOH in isopropanol.
Solvent mixture ethanol/diethyl ether 1:1.
Weigh out 5-10 g sample, dissolve in 50ml solvent mixture.
Dynamic (DET U) Titration with KOH.
AN mgKOH/g = ml 0.1M KOH x 5.61/ sample size.
(5.61=equivalent weight KOH).
Karl Fischer moisture analysis.
EN14214/ EN ISO 12937 states that water determination should be by coulometric KF titration method.
Metrohmcan offer a choice of two coulometers.
either the 831 or the 756 models.
In some cases the addition of a solubility promoter (chloroform or propanol) is recommeded to improve solubilty.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Photometry, Application Bulletin Metrohm
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