Thursday, November 27, 2008

Potentiometric Determination of the Antacid in the Tablets


Potentiometric Determination of the Antacid in the Tablets

Potentiometer = 751 GPD Titrino / Titroprocessor
Electrodes =
6.0233.100 combined pH glass electrode; input 1
6.1110.100 T sensor

(HCl) = 1.0 mol/L; D0

25 mL dist. water
1 drop c(NaOH) = 0.1 mol/L
0.268 g Antacid Trigastril (or 0.2-0.4 g)

Method to determine the efficiency of tablets against an excess of acid in the stomach. Use a TIP method for the determination: The pH is adjusted to 3 with a pretitration (AntacPre), then the sample is added and the pH kept at 3 during 30 minutes (AntacDet). The determination is carried out in a thermostated titration vessel (e.g.6.1418.220) at 37 °C. You may have to adjust the control parameters of the submethod “AntacDet“ according to your sample. The given parameters are optimized for products which release their base slowly (rate app. 100 L/min).


Acid cap=C70*C01/C00;3;mmol/g

acid cap = acid capacity in mmol/g
C01 = concentration of titrating agent (1 mol/L)


Acid cap = 3.218 x 1 /0.268 = 12.008 mmol/g

C00= 0.268
C01= 1
C70= 3.218

Sample preparation:
Pulverize the tablet and weigh it exactly. Rinse the powder with 20 mL of pretitrated solution (pH=3) into the titration vessel during the request “Add smpl & start“ and titrate immediately.

N.J. Kerkhoff et al., Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 66, 1528-1535 (1977)

Method documentation

751 GPD Titrino 15215 751.0010
TIP… Antacid
1.stirrer:… ON
2.method: …AntacPre Add… smpl & start
4.method:…. AntacDet
status: …OFF
req.ident:… OFF
req.smpl size:… OFF
meas.mode: …T
temperature …25.0 °C
751 GPD Titrino 15215 751.0010
TIP Antacid
acid cap=C70*C01/C00;3;mmol/g
C00= 0.268
C01= 1
C70= 3.218
751 GPD Titrino 15215 751.0010
TIP…. Antacid
smpl size… 0.268 g id#1 Trigast.
C70 ….3.218
acid cap….. 12.008 mmol/g
TIP terminated


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